Flip through the AJM catalogue of caps & toques to see the full range of products offered.

1. Caps

Caps are a great way to add some style to your outfit. They are versatile and can be worn with almost any type of clothing. There are many different types of caps, from baseball caps to beanies, but they all serve the same purpose.

2. Hats

Hats are a great accessory for any occasion. Whether you wear a hat to work, school, or play sports, wearing a hat makes you look stylish and professional. A wide variety of hats are available, including fedoras, cowboy hats, bucket hats, and flat caps.


There are many different types of embroidery stitches used in sewing. They are categorized into two groups: surface stitches and running stitches. Surface stitches are usually done on top of fabric while running stitches are done through fabric. Embroidery stitches are used to create designs on clothing, bags, shoes, home decor items, etc.

Surface Stitches

The most common type of surface stitch is the straight stitch. This is a simple stitch that creates a line of stitching without any curves. Straight stitches are often used to outline shapes or add decorative details to fabrics. Other popular surface stitches include satin stitch, French knots, backstitch, whipstitch, blanket stitch, stem stitch, split stitch, chain stitch, buttonhole stitch, and tacking stitch.

Running Stitches

A running stitch is a continuous loop of thread that goes around a shape or area of fabric. Running stitches are commonly used to join pieces of fabric together or to attach fabric to something else. There are several variations of running stitches including satin stitch, herringbone stitch, double running stitch, and satin stitch.

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